Islamiat Class 9 Notes Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Islamiat Class 9 Notes Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Islamiat Class 9 Notes Chapter 5, chapter 6, chapter 7, chapter 8, and chapter 9 short quesiton.

Islamiat Chapter 5 (Zakat Obligation, Importance, and Distribution

Q.1) What is Zakaat? Who are under obligation to pay Zakaat?

Zakat means making something pure by removing harmful substances. It also means to get nourished or grow. In religion it means to purify the wealth by giving away its certain percentage as charity to the poor. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) described Zakaat as wealth taken from the rich and given to the poor. Zakaat is also called poor rate or poor tax. Technically it is an annual tax for the imposed on the rich people and is paid to the poor. It is accumulated as a surplus at the expiry of full one year.
Zakaat is a compulsory religion tax imposed on any person who is sane, free, adult and a Muslim provided that his property or income is to the extent of Nisab. Nisab is someone's minimum fixed property or income on which Zakaat is due and which has been in his profession for their period of one complete year. Zakaat is payable not only on cash but also on jewellery, gold, silver, animals, agricultural land, crops and all kinds of commercial goods. The Nisab or fixed amount of property upon which Zakaat is due varies according to the kind of property in possession.


Q.2) Write a brief note on the importance of Zakaat.

Zakaat occurs thirty-two times in Holy Quran. With the exception of few verses, it has been mentioned with Salaat. Zakaat is obbe of four practical articles of Islam. The other three articles of Islam are prayers, fasting and Hajj. Thses three articles benefit no one but the person who performs them, but Zakaat which is also an act of worship benefits mankind. It brings prosperity to the giver in this world, and he will also get a good reward in the Hereafter. No to Zakaat is a great sin.
The importance of Zakaat is evident from an event. Once some persons came to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and made a request to tell them about the teachings of Islam. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) mentioned the two commands of Allah- prayers and Zakaat. Thus he made it clear that sfter prayers, the most important act of worship is to pay Zakaat.
After the Holy Prophet (PBUH) passed away, some people refused to pay Zakaat. Thereupon Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (RA) declared Jihad against them. The Holy Quran has warned in harsh words, the persons who do not pay Zakaat. Allah says:
"O you who believe! Indeed there are many among the rabbits (Jewish) and priests who devour the wealth of mankind in falsehood, and dissuade them from the way of Allah. And there are those who hoard up gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah. Announce unto them a very painful punishment. On the Day of Judgement this gold and silver will be heated in the fire of hell, and with it will be branded their f0reheads, their flanks and their backs and it will be said unto them."
This is the treasure which you hoarded for yourselves. Now taste of what you hoarded for yourselves.
Zakaat provides man with the best opportunity to work for the welfare of people. Zakaat supports the poor and deprived persons of a society. It is helpful to replace the feelings of hatred and vengeance with the sentiments of sympathy, reverence and mutual love. Zakaat purifies the heart from the love for wealth and fills it with the desire to fulfil the wish of God. The Zakaat prayer begins to love the poor. The payment of Zakaat causes wealth to come into circulation. Thus the financial condition of the members of society gets improved.

Read more: Islamiat 9 class Notes Chapter 4 Bodily purification

Q.3) State the heads of expenditure for the distribution of Zakaat in the light of the teachings of the Holy Quran.

The Holy Quran has laid down the following heads of expenditure for the distribution of Zakaat. The Holy Quran says:
" The alms are only for the poor and the needy, and those who collect them, and those whose hearts are to be reconciled and to free the captives and the debtors and for the cause of Allah, and for the wayfarers: a duty imposed by Allah. Allah is Knower, Wise."
In the quoted verse of the Holy Quran there are the following eight heads of the expenditure for Zakaat:
1. The poor
2. The needy
3. Collectors of Zakaat (the employees of Zakaat Department)
4. Those whose hearts are to be reconciled who have recently accepted Islam.
5. Captives
6. Debtors
7. for the cause of Allah
8. The travellers
For giving away Zakaat , the close relations should be given preference over those who are not blood relations. Some people despite being poor, do not apt to begging. They have a keen sense of honour and self-respect. Such people should be traced and given away Zakaat and other amounts of charity.

Q.4) What warning has given to the people who do not pay Zakaat?

The Holy Quran has warned in harsh words, the persons who do not pay Zakat. Allah says:
"O you who believe! Indeed there are many among the rabbits (Jewish) and priests who devour the wealth of mankind in falsehood and dissuade them from the way of Allah. And there are those who hoard up gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah. Announce unto them a very painful punishment. On the Day of Judgement this gold and silver will be heated in the fire of hell, and with it will be branded their f0reheads, their flanks and their backs and it will be said unto them."
This is the treasure which you hoarded for yourselves. Now taste of what you hoarded for yourselves.

Islamiat Class 9 Notes Chapter 6 (Forbearance and gratitude)

Q.1) Why does Islam teach the believers to keep patience in the adverse circumstances?

Islam teaches the believers to keep patience and self control in the worst circumstances because a true believer shows a positive conduct and that is the conduct of forebearance. It refrain from doing or saying something in such a manner that shows one's patience and self control. Instead he remains steadfast and resolute in utter distress and has absolute trust in God.

Q.2)  what is its importance according to the Quran and Sunnah?

Gratitude means the feeling that you want to thank and praise someone because of the favour and kindness he has done to you. A grateful person expresses his feeling of gratefulness in acknowledgment of the favours he has received from someone. It is Allah Who most of all deserves acknowledgment and thankfulness for the countless favours and unlimited kindness that He showers on mankind.

The Holy Quran has greatly emphasized the importance of gratitude. The people who feel gratitude for the favour of Allah are blessed with the prosperity. The Holy Quran says:
" If you give thanks, I will give you more."
 Prophet Sulaiman said, as stated in the Quran:
“This is by the Grace of my Lord to test me whether I am grateful or ungrateful! And whoever is grateful, truly, his gratitude is for (the good of) his own self, and whoever is ungrateful, (he is ungrateful only for the loss of his own self). Certainly! My Lord is Rich (Free of all wants), Bountiful”
Allah says:
“And (remember) when your Lord proclaimed: ‘If you give thanks (by accepting Faith and worshipping none but Allah), I will give you more (of My Blessings); but if you are thankless, verily, My punishment is indeed severe"
Therefore, make thanking Allah part of morning and evening remembrances (adhkars) to get more of Allah’s blessings in our lives.
The Prophet (PBUH) said,
"Whoever is not grateful to the people, he is not grateful to Allah."
The Prophet (PBUH) said,
"A grateful eater will have a reward like that of a patient fasting person."

Islamiat Class 9 Notes Chapter 7 (The importance of family life)

Q.1) What is the family life and what is its importance?

Family life means a group of people who are related to each other, especially parents and their children. A person, lives his life with his family. The members of a family are attached to each other due to different relationships. The human civilization also started with the family system which is essential for its very survival. Thus in a way the family is an essential part of society. A society has also its influence on the families. If a society is moving on the path of prosperity and Islamic ways of life, the families will also proper and lead a virtuous life. Islam has greatly emphasized the importance of a strong family system in human society. According to Islam 'Zaujain' (husband and wife) are the two important pillars of a family.

Q.2) What is the base of the family life and what is its chief objective?

Marriage provides a lawful base of family life between two members of a pair. Almighty Allah says:
"It is He (Allah) Who created you from one soul, and from this soul He created its pair so that it may get solace."
As a result relationship between husband and wife comes into existence. The Holy Quran has described the martial relationship as 'Ehsab' which means fortification or to be safe by building strong walls all around. In other words, after marriage Zaujain (husband and wife) become safe from immoral attacks. They become life partners and share each other's comfort and suffering. They sympathize each other without any selfish ends and help each other to solve their difficulties and problems. Marriage increases the mental capabilities of the partners and enables them to think over their family problems wisely. With the birth of children the mutual relationship between the parents is further strengthened and homes becomes a paradise.
According to the Islamic point of view the chief objective of the family life is to ensure the continuance and reproduction of human race. The bond of marriage is the only way to keep the family life pure and chaste. The family system therefore serves as the foundation of a society. When this very foundation is destroyed, it will not be possible to organize a society and save it from turmoil and disorder.
Allah Almighty has given very clear instructions for the stability and continuance of the family life. in Holy Quran Allah says:
'And among His signs is this: He created for you helpmates from yourselves so that you might find comfort in them, and He has put between you (your hearts) love and mercy."
The relationship between husband and wife brings satisfaction to the human instinct on the one hand, and creates mutual love, trust and compassion on the other. The two partners are follow-travellers on the path of life due to spiritual relationship.

Q.3) How is the family system related to society?

The bond of marriage is the only way to keep the family life pure and chaste. The family system therefore serves as the foundation of a society. When thsi very foundation is destroyed, it will not be possible to organize a society and save it from turmoil and disorder.
Allah Almighty has given very clear instructions for the stability and continuance of the family life. In Holy Quran Allah says:
'And among His signs is this: He created for you helpmates from yourselves so that you might find comfort in them, and He has put between you (your hearts) love and mercy."
The relationship between husband and wife brings satisfaction to the human instinct on the one hand, and creates mutual love, trust and compassion on the other. The two partners are follow-travellers on the path of life due to spiritual relationship.

Q.4) What are the rights and duties of Zaujain (husband and wife)?

Islam has given equal rights to the husband and the wife. The Holy Quran says:
"And the women have rights similar to those of men over them in kindness."
Of Zaujain, the rights of one partner are the duties of other partner, and the duties of one partner are the rights of other partner.
According to the Islamic teachings it is the duty of the husband to provide food and shelter to the family. He should make arrangements for housing, clothing and feeding his wife and children. He should bear expenses of the necessities of life according to his economic status. He should allow her wife to keep the amount, given to her as Mehr, in her possession or invest it in some business. He should treat his wife kindly. He should fear God and do justice and favour to his wife. He should also acknowledge her right to inheritance according to the Islamic Shariah and should not do injustice to her.
It is the foremost duty of a wife to love her husband and give him comfort. In the Holy Quran Allah says:
"So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret."
A wife should also be faithful to her husband. It is her duty to guard all the things entrusted to her by her husband. She should not disclose his secrets and should not leak out the household affairs. She should also guard her husband's honour and nobility.
The life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the lighthouse which guides us to right path. He says:
"Amongst you the best one is he who is the best for his family" and amongst you i am best for my family."
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) also said: "The best among the wife is the one who is obedient and a source of delight for her husband when he is present and guardian of his wealth and of her own self when he is absent."

Q.5) What are the rights and duties of children and parents?

The rights of children are the duties of the parents and rights of parents are the duties of children.
Islam enjoins on the parents to fulfil the rights of their children. In the Holy Quran Allah Almighty says:
"O believers! Save yourselves and your families from the fire (of hell)."
It is the duty of the parents to make arrangements for upbringing, educating and training their children in the best possible manner. They should also make arrangements for their marriage. They should maintain equity and justice among their children. Even after the death of their parents, the righteous offspring cause addition to their virtues.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, "One who is not affectionate to Allah's creatures and to his own children, Allah will not be affectionate to him."
It is the duty of children to obey every order of their parents except that which requires them to show disobedience to God. Children should treat their parents kindly and respectfully and should give importance to their opinion. Especially when parents attain old age, the children should respect their feelings and treat them with love and kindness. They should find time everyday to attend their old parents. When the parents pass away the children should pray for their salvation.
The Holy Quran says:
"We have enjoined on man kindness to the parents."
"Show kindness to parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not a word of contempt to them, nor repel them, and speak to them a gracious word. And lower to them the wings of submission out of kindness and say: My Lord! Have mercy on them as they brought me up when i was a little child."
The status of mother is higher than the father because she undergoes more suffering for the sake of her children. The Holy Quran says:
"His mother bears him in weakness upon weakness and his wearing is in two years."
There is a saying of Holy Prophet (PBUH), "Heaven is beneath the feet of mother."

Q.6) What is the importance does Islam give to relatives?

Islam requires us to do good and to be kind to our relatives. According to the Holy Quran, after parents our other blood relations deserve most to be helped and treated kindly by us.
"Worship none but Allah, and show kindness to parents and relatives."
The importance of doing to relatives is evident from the following sayings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
"A person who does not respect the rights of his relatives will not enter Paradise."
"One who break off his relations with his relatives shall not enter Paradise."
"Giving of alms to relatives carries two rewards: one is the reward of alms and the other is the reward of helping relatives."

Islamiat Class 9 Notes Chapter 8 (Hijrat and Jihad)

Q.1) What is Hijrat? Write a brief note.


Hijrat means the act of migrating from one place to another especially in order to live or find work. In Islamic terminology, Hijrat means the migration of the Muslims from one place to another for the religious cause. If in a certain country the Muslims are Subjugated and oppressed, they are subjected to torture for adopting the Islamic way of life, they must leave that place and migrate to somewhere else. However, if they are unable to migrate due to lack of resources or they are too helpless to migrate, then it is likely that Allah will forgive them.
Allah commands in Surah Nisa:
"When angels take the souls of those who die in sin against themselves, the angels will ask: In what plight were you? They will reply: We were weak and oppressed in the earth. The angels will say: Was not the earth of God spacious enough for you to migrate therein? Such men will find their abode in hell, an evil refuge. Except those men, women and children who are really weak and appressed or who have no means in their power nor do they have any guide to direct their way. For such people it is likely that Allah will forgive them. And Allah is Merciful and Forgiving. And who migrates in the cause of Allah, will find in the earth many a refuge and abundance in the earth. And one who forsakes his home for Allah and His Messenger, and death overtakes him, his reward is incumbent due on Allah. And Allah is ever Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
The above verses of the Holy Quran make it clear that Hijrat benefits a Muslim in this world and in the Hereafter.

Q.2) What is Jihad?

Jihad in an Arabic word derived from ‘Juhd’ or ‘Jahd’ means endeavor, effort or struggle. In Islamic terminology it means to exercise all types of physical and mental energy in the way of God. Jihad requires the believers to sacrifice wealth, families, blood relations and even their own lives for the supremacy and spread of the true religion. Those who take part in Jihad do their best to make the designs of the enemies ineffective and check their attacks. The believers do not withhold from fighting if it becomes inevitable to save the religion. That is why Jihad has been declared a great worship in Islamic teachings.
The sense of Jihad is very clear. According to some theologians the best kind of Jihad is Jihad bin-nafs.

Fakhr e Alam